Erica Redner-Vera

Assistant Professor
PSFA Diversity Council
School of Public Affairs
College of Professional Studies and Fine Arts
Erica Redner-Vera is an Assistant Professor of Criminal Justice in the School of Public Affairs at San Diego State University. Prior to joining SDSU, Dr. Redner-Vera was a Visiting Assistant Professor in the Sociology Department at the University of Montana, and a Faculty Associate in the School of Criminology and Criminal Justice at Arizona State University. Dr. Redner-Vera’s research interests include race, ethnicity, crime, and justice, especially issues concerning American Indians. She is a 2021 Fellow of the Racial Democracy, Crime, and Justice Network and a 2015 Graduate Research Fellow of the Bureau of Justice Statistics, where her dissertation examined the treatment of American Indian defendants in United States Federal Courts. Currently, her research investigates how American Indian defendants, especially American Indian female defendants, are treated across multiple decision points and cumulative disadvantage they endure, whether disparities for this group increased over time, and whether social context affects how American Indians are treated in federal courts. Dr. Redner-Vera received her M.S. and Ph.D. in Criminology and Criminal Justice from Arizona State University in 2011 and 2019, respectively, and her B.A. in Criminal Justice from the University of Nevada, Reno in 2008. Her research has been published in Justice Quarterly, Crime & Delinquency, and Journal of Ethnicity in Criminal Justice.