A gift to an endowment fund is a gift to SDSU’s future. Endowment funds are an ongoing source of sustained, long-term funding for student success in perpetuity that represent a stable source of income. Each gift to PSFA’s endowment continues to provide support for dedicated and hard-working San Diego State students.
The generosity of alumni, parents, community partners, and friends are essential to the University’s ability to provide extraordinary educational experiences. Below is a list of endowed funds in the College of Professional Studies and Fine Arts that have been established with a commitment or planned gift of $50,000 or more. Thank you for your support!
The generosity of alumni, parents, community partners, and friends are essential to the University’s ability to provide extraordinary educational experiences. Below is a list of endowed funds in the College of Professional Studies and Fine Arts that have been established with a commitment or planned gift of $50,000 or more. Thank you for your support!
Blessing Combat Leadership Panel Endowment
- Anna Marie Forbes Endowed Scholarship
- Arline M. Fisch MFA in Jewelry and Metalsmithing Endowed Scholarship
- Art Council Endowed Scholarship
- Art Council Endowment
- Creative Weavers Guild Endowment
- Darryl Groover Memorial Endowed Scholarship
- Dean's Art Endowment
- Ellamarie Woolly Endowment
- Everett G. Jackson Memorial Endowment
- F. Ellsworth Endowed Scholarship
- Frank Richard Brazda Endowed Scholarship
- Isabel Kraft Endowment
- John J. Rogers Endowed Scholarship in Sculpture
- Nancy D. W. Moure Endowed Scholarship in Art History
- Patti O. Fox Endowed Scholarship for Art Students
- Paul Lingren Memorial Endowed Scholarship
- Richard Anthony Marks Endowed Gallery Program Fund
- Robert D. Wallace History of Art Endowed Scholarship
- Ruocco Lecture and Colloquia Endowment
- Scott Guhin Endowed Scholarship
- Wendy Maruyama Endowment for the Furniture Design and Woodworking Program
- Windgate Charitable Foundation Graduate Scholarship
- Alana Nicastro Endowed Scholarship in Communication
- Cameron Brown Average-Student Memorial Endowed Scholarship
- Elynor F. McPeak Endowed Scholarship for Aztec Forensics Excellence
- Forensics Endowment
- Julia Stewart Endowed Scholarship
- Kevin M. Simmons Endowed Scholarship
- Kurt Lindemann GTA Assistance Fund Bequest
- Paul Gaske Memorial Endowed Scholarship in Forensics
- Percie Belle Senn Endowed Scholarship
- Randy Bernstein Forensics Endowment
- Robert Benjamin Endowed Scholarship
- School of Communication Endowment
- Thomas P. Newton Endowed Scholarship
- Tom and Donna Bergelis Golich Endowed Scholarship in Communication
- William Snavely Study Abroad Endowed Scholarship
- Anthony and John Long Endowment
- Ben and Nikki Clay Endowed Scholarship
- Carole Robasciotti Endowed Scholarship
- Dean's Endowment
- Dr. Sanford I. Berman Institute for Effective Communication & General Semantics Foundation Endowment
- Irvin and Ruth Belenzon Endowed Scholarship
- Johanna Fox Endowment
- Joyce M. Gattas Scholarship for Internships and International Experiences
- M. Lorin Kemp Memorial Endowment
- Mack Owen Endowed Scholarship
- Paul J. Strand Endowed Scholarship
- Prebys Creative & Performing Arts Endowed Scholarship
- Special Internships in the Arts Endowed Scholarship
- Van Deerlin Endowed Chair
- Visual Performing Arts Endowed Scholarship
- Bartell Family Visiting Lectureship Endowment
- Brinker Executive in Residence Endowment
- Brown Family Hotel Executive-in-Residence Program Endowment
- California Restaurant Association Endowed Fund
- Conrad N. Hilton Foundation Distinguished Lectureship in HTM Endowment
- Conrad N. Hilton Foundation Volunteer and Mentor Endowment
- Hospitality & Tourism Management Internship Bureau Endowment
- Hospitality and Tourism Management Endowment
- Joanne Graham Mera Memorial Scholarship Endowment
- Julia Stewart Endowed Scholarship
- Kathy Drucquer Duff Experiential Endowment
- Lall Family Endowment
- Patti Roscoe Hospitality and Tourism Management Endowed Internship Scholarship
- Reint Reinders Endowment
- Robert Payne School of Hospitality and Tourism Management Endowment
- San Diego Marriott Business Council Scholarship Endowment
- Sycuan Institute on Tribal Gaming Endowment
- US Bank Endowed Scholarship
- Willard and Alice S. Marriott Foundation Student Center for Professional Development Endowment
- William Sample & Fern Sample Stanford Memorial Endowment
- Accenture Outstanding Student in Educational Technology Endowed Scholarship
- Arthur & Mildred Wimer Endowed Scholarship
- Baldwin Family Newsroom Endowment
- Carleton-Hunt Endowed Internship
- Cathy Clark Excellence in Journalism Endowed Scholarship
- Center Lectureship Endowment
- Dan Silberman Memorial Endowed Scholarship
- Diane L. Borden Endowed Graduate Fellowship
- Dr. & Mrs. Stanley M. Thien, Glae, & Erin Thien Endowed Scholarship in Journalism
- Friends of Journalism I Endowment
- Friends of Journalism II Endowment
- Glen M. Broom Center for Professional Development in Public Relations Endowment
- Glosser Family Foundation Endowed Scholarship
- Gracia Mae Ogden Memorial Endowed Scholarship
- Greg Block Endowed Scholarship
- Harold Keen Endowment
- Jack White Excellence in Journalism Scholarship Endowment
- John L. Baldwin and Shawn A. Baldwin Scholarship for Excellence in Journalism Endowment
- John L. and Shawn A. Baldwin Scholarship for Excellence in Opinion Journalism
- John Paul Stone Memorial Endowment
- Journalism & Media Studies Learning Support Endowment
- Larry Thomas Endowment
- Minority Journalism Endowment
- Public Relations Graduate Research Endowment
- Ralph Seewald, Jr. Endowment for the School of Journalism & Media Studies
- Reggie Smith Endowment
- Scott Allison Endowment
- Tom and Laura Gable Student Professional Development Fund
- Tom P. Gable, Jr. Endowed Internship Scholarship in Public Relations
- Val Ryser Memorial Endowed Scholarship
Hilda and Colonel Robert L. Dodge Endowed Scholarship for Air Force ROTC
- Ann Marie Haney Endowment for Music
- Bessie S. Purdy Endowment
- Blu Cava Endowed Scholarship
- CCMS Diana Nadel Endowment
- Christine Springston Endowment
- Community Music School Endowment
- Dale and Betty Worm Endowment
- DeAnn Cary School of Music and Dance Endowed Scholarship
- Deanna's Dream 431 Endowed Scholarship for Music and Dance
- Dr. Ed Reed Endowed Scholarship
- Dr. Jaroslav J. S. Mracek Memorial Award Endowment
- Ed Davis From Cancer to College Endowed Scholarship
- Edith Savage Endowment
- Edith Vogl Garrett Endowed Scholarship
- Elsie Hiland Fox Memorial Endowed Scholarship
- Eugene and Barbara Bowman Endowed Scholarship
- Frank McCarty Endowed Scholarship in Music Composition
- Giavanna Kersulis Memorial Endowed Scholarship
- Helen Pratt Kurz Endowment
- Jack Gard Music Education Endowed Scholarship
- Jan Lowenbach Endowed Scholarship
- Joseph W. Johnson Endowed Scholarship
- Keith Baim Excellence in Guitar Composition Endowment
- Larry E. Rogers and Bonnie L. Rockey Scholarship Endowment
- Lieber/Flower Endowment
- Lipin Family Endowed Fund for Excellence in Music
- M.H. Golden Endowed Scholarship
- Paul Clarke Stauffer Endowment
- Pitt and Virginia Warner Endowment for Jazz Studies
- SDSU San Diego Symphony Music Education Endowed Scholarship
- Srinivasan Praba Memorial Scholarship Endowment
- Willis, Cusack, Robertson, Brown Endowed Scholarship for Dance and Music
- Betsy McCullough and James Hare Endowed Scholarship
- Bob Wilson Public Affairs Endowment
- Debra A. Greenfield Endowed Scholarship for Public Affairs
- Debra A. Greenfield School of Public Affairs Endowed Internship Scholarship
- Donald B. Leiffer Endowment
- Dr. Jack McGrory School of Public Affairs Excellence Endowment
- Frank Mannen Scholarship Endowment
- Gregory J. Smith Master of Public Administration Endowed Scholarship
- Institute of Innovative Governance Endowment
- John Fowler Memorial Endowed Scholarship
- John J. Cleary Endowed Scholarship for Study Abroad in Public Affairs
- Ken Perry Endowed Scholarship
- Marco G. Walshok Graduate Endowed Scholarship in Public Affairs
- The Kilkenny Family Endowed Scholarship
- Ages of Drama - Live! Endowment
- Allison Rossett Endowed Scholarship in Musical Theatre
- Bellinghiere Endowed Scholarship
- Bolles Family Musical Theater Endowed Scholarship
- Brita C. Davis and Richard R. Davis Musical Theatre Endowed Scholarship
- Bruce and Jane Hopkins Endowed Fund in Theatre
- Carol Vassiliadis Endowed Scholarship in Musical Theatre
- Chad Shelton Memorial Endowed Scholarship for Theatre Design and Technology
- Chuck and Robin Luby Endowment for Musical Theatre
- Clarence and Catherine Stephenson Musical Theatre Endowed Scholarship
- Clayton Brace Awards Endowment
- David Belenzon Endowment Bequest
- Darlene and Donald Shiley Endowment for Student Excellence in Musical Theatre
- Deborah M. Dexter Endowed Scholarship in Musical Theatre
- Denis Sanders Memorial Endowment
- Denise Madruga Endowed Scholarship in Theatre
- Don Powell Interface Program Endowment
- Drama Circle Endowment
- Gordon J. Lusk Endowment
- Hayes Anderson Student Excellence Endowment
- Henry Edward McAdams and Gail Johnson McAdams Memorial Endowed Scholarship
- Henry Stanton Endowment
- Hunton D. Sellman Endowment
- Irvin and Ruth Belenzon Endowed Scholarship
- James Chris Nichols Memorial Endowment
- Judith and Jack White Musical Theatre Endowed Scholarship
- Julia R. Brown Musical Theatre Endowed Scholarship
- Maggi McKerrow Endowed Scholarship for Theatre
- Maggi McKerrow Endowed Scholarship for Study Abroad
- Mangan/Christensen Endowed Scholarship for Musical Theatre
- Marion Ross Endowed Scholarship
- Mary Ellen Trainor Zemeckis Student Enrichment Program in Theatre, Television, Film, and Journalism Endowment
Michael and Anne-Charlotte “A.C.” Harvey Scholarship Endowment
- Michele Schlecht MFA Musical Theatre Scholarship Endowment
- MFA Musical Theatre Endowed Professorship
- Musical Theatre Endowed Scholarship
- Nella Feldman Gross Endowment
- Paulette Wilson Endowment for Musical Theatre
- Powell/SCE Design Endowed Chair
- Robert Shields Memorial Endowment
- Ron and Sue Heller Musical Theatre Endowed Scholarship
- Roscoe-Tiffany MFA Musical Theatre Endowed Scholarship
- Ruth Anna, Louis F. Endowed Scholarship
- SDSU MFA Musical Theatre Alumni Scholarship Endowment
- Summerfield Family Endowed Scholarship
- Sybil E. Jones Endowment
- The McCabe Family Endowed Scholarship
- Theatre Endowment
For More Information, Please Contact

PSFA : Upcoming Events
Stay up to date about PSFA events, including theatre productions, recitals, concerts, screenings, artistic performances and more.
Appalachian Music: Clinton Davis Trio
6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Exhibition: 27th Annual Student Awards Exhibition
12:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Exhibition: Reflecting on Ruth Asawa and the Garden of Remembrance
12:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Donor Spotlight
Donor Brian P. Blake Leaves Legacy to the Payne School of Hospitality and Tourism Management. The ultimate networker, a man of brilliant ideas, and a positive spirit, Brian Blake’s contributions expand the School on a global scale.