Outstanding Student: Joshua Unrau, Recreation Tourism Management

Friday, May 10, 2024
Outstanding Student: Joshua Unrau, Recreation Tourism Management
Outstanding Student: Joshua Unrau, Recreation Tourism Management

Joshua Unrau, an aspiring professional in the theme park management industry, has been named a 2024 Outstanding Student for the School of Hospitality and Tourism Management. While at San Diego State University, he participated in an eight month internship at Walt Disney World.

“I learned about working in a fast-paced, guest service environment with an incredibly high standard of excellence,” Unrau said. “The experience taught my too many things to count, but most importantly it helped me realize that my calling is in leadership, and that I love heading a team and striving to reach a goal with them.”

With freshman year fully online and junior year abroad, Unrau thanks his advisor Corinne Youngholm for helping him at SDSU.

“My path through my major was anything but ordinary,” he said. “I wouldn't have been able to accomplish what I did without Corinne's guidance and flexibility.”

In addition to his internship, Unrau got professional experience through serving on the Students Creating Rides, Entertainment, Attractions, and Memories club. He was also Teaching Assistant for the Recreation Tourism Management introductory course.

Unrau remembers making his best friendships during his freshman year, despite the separation and disconnect that many experienced at the time.

“The relationships that I formed during those first few months at SDSU are ones that I hope will last a lifetime, and if it weren't for the community around us I don't know how we would have been able to handle the difficulty we faced,” he said.

Unrau, and the Class of 2024, will be a uniquely understanding class in the workforce.

“I hope that we are class filled with compassion and empathy,” Unrau said. “That we will go forward and be good coworkers, good neighbors, good partners, good parents and good friends.”

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