Outstanding Student: Isabella Muscatell, Health Communication

Friday, May 10, 2024

Isabella Muscatell
Isabella Muscatell

Isabella Muscatell is a 2024 Outstanding Student in the School of Communication. While at San Diego State University, she has been a standout Health Communication student, an excellent member of the Health Communication Student Organization executive board, and a Peer Health Educator with the Well-Being and Health Promotion Office.

Mutascell is looking into multiple career paths, but she most wants “to find a career that allows me to utilize what I have learned with my health communication education to provide compassionate care, improve health outcomes, and increase patient satisfaction.”

She especially enjoyed studying under SDSU’s Health and the Public Good Director Dr. Katrina Pareira. “I especially enjoyed going to Dr. Pareira’s classes because her enthusiasm for her work translated into the way she teaches, creating such an engaging atmosphere,” Mutascell said.

Muscatell continued: “Dr. Pareira’s consistent support of not only myself, but other students, is very evident and makes such a positive difference for so many of her students.”

Muscatell was also a member of the Tau Sigma National Honor Society and the Lambda Pi Eta Honor Society and worked at the Faculty-Staff Club.

“Interning as a Peer Health Educator has been an incredible way to implement health communication in an applied setting,” Mutascell said. “I have learned so much about health promotion through creating and implementing actual health campaigns for SDSU students.”

The soon-to-be graduate can not wait to see the Class of 2024 enter the professional world:

“If we all go out and make just a bit of a difference in making the world a better place, as a collective we can achieve great things!”

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