Outstanding Student: Andre Azzopardi, Air Force ROTC
Andre Azzopardi has been selected as the Outstanding Graduate for the Air Force ROTC Program with a minor in Air Force Leadership Studies.

Andre Azzopardi is a well-rounded student, known for his strong work ethic and his commitment to everything he does.
During his time at SDSU, Azzopardi has been involved with the Arnold Air Society and Compass College in which he is currently president.
Azzopardi received a scholarship through the Air Force ROTC Program. “The scholarship has given me the opportunity to work part-time and support myself through college while also having time to apply myself in campus organizations, military training, leadership positions, church, and academically as an engineering major.”
After graduation, Azzopardi wants to become a fighter pilot in the U.S. Air Force. Much of his success, he credits to the Air Force ROTC Program, “Through the program, I have taken the first step towards that goal and have been selected to attend Air Force Undergraduate Pilot Training and will head to Vance AFB, Oklahoma after I graduate and commission. I have been given so many incredible leadership opportunities through the program and I would not be the person I am today without it.”
His hopes for his fellow graduating class are success and humility, as the opportunity to study at SDSU is to be cherished.