Outstanding Graduate: Alyssa Legaspi, School of Theatre, Television, and Film

May 17, 2021
Alyssa Legaspi
Alyssa Legaspi

Television, Film, and New Media graduate Alyssa Legaspi will be advancing towards her career goal of becoming a video editor and opening a small online business by working for Hale Productions post-graduation.

While at San Diego State University, Legaspi interned for Hale Productions which helped support her professional plans.

“From this internship, I became more educated on the professional and commercial side of the videography and photography business. I learned technical skills that can be taken anywhere, and I’ve grown in my talent as a video editor,” Legaspi says.

“The film major has sparked an immense amount of creativity in me since my freshman year. Each semester, I learned about a new concept, writer, filmmaker, or other type of artist that inspired me to create projects that reflect my life and speak to communities I identify with.”

During her time at SDSU, Lesgapsi says learning to adapt to online school due to the pandemic was a challenge that helped shape her.

“This challenge gave me a chance to grow as a person by accepting changes and learning ways to work with what I’m given rather than focus on what I missed prior to the pandemic.”

In regards to her point of pride, Legaspi says, “The people closest to me always encourage me by stating my passion for the things I do. Even when situations can be tough, they remind me that I’m more than capable.”

Legaspi advises future SDSU students to, “always do your best and make the most of your days.”

“In my freshman year, I was told the days are slow but the years are quick. Nothing could be truer! The SDSU experience is a wonderful one if you allow it to be. Don’t take any of your days for granted. Use every opportunity to learn and grow. You’re a whole lot stronger than you may believe yourself to be.”

The content within this article has been edited by Lizbeth Persons.