Retired Major General Laura L. Yeager to speak at SDSU on Leadership and Followership in Times of Crisis
SDSU’s College of Professional Studies and Fine Arts, and Reserve Officers’ Training Court host leadership symposium with former highest ranking National Guardsman in California.

On Friday, Feb. 24 retired Major General Laura L. Yeager will visit SDSU to deliver a symposium on leadership and followership in times of crisis.
Major General Yeager is the first woman to command a United States Army Infantry Division and was the former commander of the California Army National Guard. Before she achieved these titles, she served in multiple different leadership positions during her 36 years in the military.
The event will begin with Major General Yeager delivering a speech regarding her experience with crises as a leader and the lessons she’s learned along the way. At the end of her speech, attendees will be able to ask questions and interact with the retired major general.
The event is coordinated by Captain John Worthington who wanted to bring this discussion to SDSU because he believes this topic is important for people in any profession.
“No matter the area of study or profession chosen by SDSU students, they will likely encounter crises in their role,” Worthington said. “While we can't prepare for the unknown, we can prepare how we react to the unknown as a leader or follower. MG Yeager's visit to SDSU can provide students with an opportunity to pick the brain of a leader who had to react and adjust to several crisis points as the highest ranking National Guardsman in California.”
The event is open to everyone, and all SDSU ROTC units will be in attendance. It will take place at the Arts and Letters building, room 201, from 1:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m.
From 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m., participants will break into two groups in Arts and Letters 201 and 204. These breakout groups will include a seminar from Major General Yeager and a panel discussion.
Registration is not required. For more information contact CPT John Worthington at [email protected]