Army ROTC Student Profile: Aalia Gomez

1. What is your hometown:
Tacoma, Washington
2. Major and year in school:
am a third year Television, Film, and New Media Production major and MS3 in the Army ROTC program.
3. How did you decide on SDSU?
I decided on SDSU because of its history, location, Television and Film production program, and it being the host school for the Army ROTC program.
4. What’s your favorite part about your field/major?
My favorite part about the TFM program is its small size. Each of my classes range between 10-20 students, this small class size gives each student an opportunity to be more hands on, and develop close relationships with their peers and professors.
My favorite part about the Army ROTC program has been the camaraderie, traveling opportunities, and being a member of the Ranger Challenge team. Because of this program I have gained lifetime friendships, been selected to attend U.S. Army Air Assault School, and also have the opportunity to be a competitor in district, regional, and international competitions as being a part of the Ranger Challenge team.
5. What does it take to be successful in your major?
In order to be successful in the TFM Production major, one must be diligent, passionate, and disciplined in devotion to their craft. Projects within the major demand a lot of time and teamwork outside of class, so if a student meets or exceeds any of these criteria they will do well!
6. What do you hope to do in the future?
I hope to become an officer that works within the 55th Signal Company (Combat Camera) also known as the Eyes of the Army. In addition to this goal I also hope to write, direct, and/ or be a director of photography for feature films.
7. Any faculty to shout out and why?
I’d like to give a shout out to a few faculty members both within my major and ROTC program. Shoutout to Greg Penatrante and Stuart Voytilla. Both professors have been the most encouraging people I’ve ever met. They always make themselves available for their students, and exceed the standard when it comes to teaching. They consistently go above and beyond for their students, and it is because of them that I am even more driven to be a better student and filmmaker. I would also like to give a shoutout to SFC Carter. Since the beginning of the school year, he has facilitated, and assisted in managing the Ranger Challenge team with the team captains. Not only has he consistently participated in morning training from 5:30- 7:00 AM 5-6 days a week, he has devoted much of his time in ensuring the team and its members are successful. I am appreciative for his consistent efforts, dedication, and guidance that he’s provided. It has made me a better leader and cadet within the program.
8. Favorite place to eat on campus, what do you get?
Chipotle, a chicken burrito bowl!
9. Favorite place to visit in San Diego?
Cabrillo National Monument