Students Honored at Student Art Exhibition Award Ceremony

April 30, 2021
The image on the left is from: Yasmeen Alkes Tobya, Outside Touch, 2021; 12 x 9 inches; acrylic and mixed media on paper; courtesy of the artist The image on the right is a still image from: Sepideh Shamloufard, Tea Room, 2020; HD video, running time 2:18; courtesy of the artist.
The image on the left is from: Yasmeen Alkes Tobya, Outside Touch, 2021; 12 x 9 inches; acrylic and mixed media on paper; courtesy of the artist The image on the right is a still image from: Sepideh Shamloufard, Tea Room, 2020; HD video, running time 2:18; courtesy of the artist.

The School of Art and Design held its annual award ceremony for the 23rd Annual Student Art Exhibition (SAE) on April 7. This virtual award ceremony featured presentations by Director of the School of Art and Design, Annie Buckley, and President Adela de la Torre, as well as community members who presented students with their award.

A total of 10 students were honored with a cash award from sponsors across the campus.

Winners of the SAE: 

Office of the President Award

Outside Touch, 2021 by Yasmeen Alkes Tobya

Office of the Dean of Professional Studies and Fine Arts Award

Safety Pin by Jamie Kristine Oram

Dean Emerita of PSFA Award

Network by Alexander Downey

Dean of Arts and Letters Award

Poems Without Order by Tenaya Parmenter

Dean of Fowler College of Business Award

#0097 by India Vurbeff

Aztec Shops Award

Lemonade Stand by Katie Francis

SDSU Art Council Ambassadors Award

Oxen and the Butchers by Rebekah Sullivan

SAE Jury

Untitled-1 by Jordan Reeves

School of Art and Design Director’s Award

Made in America by Alexander Zimmerman

Art Produce Exhibition Award

Tea Room, 2020 by Sepideh Shamloufard

Although the exhibition and ceremony took place in a virtual space this year, Buckley said the event was a tremendous success.

“I was pleased that we were able to feature the incredible talents and creativity of our students in a virtual format, with thanks to our Galleries and Exhibition Coordinator, Chantel Paul, and to continue the wonderful tradition of our Student Awards Exhibition in a virtual format, with thanks to our Public Relations Specialist, Mara Parker,” Buckley said.

The overall thoughtfulness among those in attendance of the award ceremony was a key takeaway for Buckley.

“It was really meaningful that our University colleagues and community members not only chose to give funds to purchase a student work, but also that they took the time to craft a thoughtful comment about that work. Even in the somewhat impersonal squares of Zoom, the emotion, care, community, and gratitude was palpable in the Awards Ceremony,” Buckley said.

Galleries and Exhibition Coordinator Chantel Paul added, “This year we were pleased to be able to create a virtual installation that offered a compelling way to view the exhibition in an online gallery … We heard so many wonderful comments from those who visited that they enjoyed the experience and it helped us honor the tradition of this important exhibition in a time of great physical distance.”

First year and winner of the Office of the President Award, Yasmeen Alkes Tobya, said participating in such an event was, “a dream coming true, and a beginning of a whole new journey.”

“Winning an award presented by the Office of the President is such an honor! It gives me hope, motivation, and inspiration to keep envisioning and creating … Being able to share a story through my art, and encountering an audience who are supportive and can see the potential behind my work is very fortunate,” Alkes Tobya said.

MFA Candidate Sepideh Shamloufard, winner of the Art Produce Award, shared what being recognized as a recipient of the Student Award Exhibition means to her.

“This award is not just about validation but also a celebration of what I have done with the support of my mentors, faculty, and family who helped me to get this far,” Shamloufard said. “This award has inspired me to represent a better version of myself, and have interactions with other inspired students who attended this exhibition.”

With this award, Shamloufard receives an opportunity to have a solo art exhibition, an important milestone in an artist’s career, at Art Produce, a local gallery and community art space in North Park. In addition, the SDSU School of Art and Design is offering a cash award to support the exhibition.

Regarding the topics addressed in the artworks, Buckley said, overall, they expressed more emotion this year as students grappled with the trauma and isolation caused by the pandemic.

“Art offers a tremendous opportunity to process experiences that we may not be able to put into words and I think that was apparent in many of the pieces included in this year’s Student Award Exhibition,” Buckley said.

“Many students submitted powerful, well-crafted, and meaningful works of art and design, and I congratulate each and every one who took the leap to submit their work.” 
To view the Student Art Exhibition, visit the online virtual gallery platform. For more information about the School of Art and Design, visit their website.

The content within this article has been edited by Lizbeth Persons.