SDSU Grad Q&A: Marquice Perrera

May 4, 2021
Marquice Perrera
Marquice Perrera

Name: Marquice Perrera

School of Theatre, Television, and Film

Hometown: Temecula, CA

Can you describe the position and company you will be working for post-graduation? What will your responsibilities be? (If job or internship) Can you describe a little bit about yourself and what led you to pursue (insert major here) as an area of study?

University of CA Santa Cruz, Theatre M.A. program starting Fall 2021. I always wanted to become a Theatre Professor at a University. I’m a confident, melanated, optimistic, actor, and performer. I’m passionate in dance, French, R&B, and theatre. Theatre allows me to create work that centers around self-expression, inspiration and bringing out the inner- confidence within the individual; mostly, through exploring movement.

When did you (begin your job search / decide to pursue graduate studies) and what did that process entail?

Throughout my acting career, I developed some knowledge of emotional maintenance and control. It is very important to explore healthier alternatives and learning ways of not heavily relying on emotional suppression. Rather, we should be more celebratory or liberated with our emotions. Over the course of time, I noticed acting has personified very general social skills such as communication, listening before responding, and social creativity within the form of art. Skills that seem simple, such as cooperation, teamwork, or even creating and building a friendship, are very difficult to achieve in most common professions, but it is a foundation in theatre. This has greatly improved my verbal skills over time as well as my understanding of different narratives. Theatre presents me with a variety of activities, behaviors, and psyches to investigate through different mental states.

When did you receive your (official job offer/graduate program acceptance) and what was your reaction?

Wow, I actually heard about the news a week before my birthday in February. I received a call from Arizona. At first, I wasn’t going to answer because I know nobody from Arizona, but I had a weird intuition. Then boom it was from UCSC, calling me about my admittance. I screamed, danced to Elle Varner, and of course, I was just thanking everybody in my head! Best birthday gift ever!

What advice do you have for fellow students, regardless of their field, looking to (jumpstart their career / attend graduate school) post-graduation?

Learn to live, love, and laugh; and be confident in your melanin. Live in your passions and really immerse yourself in learning each aspect of your dreams. Love yourself, others, and what you do. Laugh throughout all the good times and bad times; don’t take yourself too seriously all the time. My favorite line is to be confident in your melanin. Express the beauty of your culture, heritage, and your skin to the fullest.

What is it that you are most looking forward to as you kick start this next chapter? How did SDSU prepare you for success not only at the university but after graduation?

I’m really excited about exploring the realm of drama therapy. What I like most about acting is all the psychological benefits that it gifts to the individual. Growing up, I have never been one to vocalize how I feel. I demonstrate my emotions through a more expressive outlet. I also choose to focus on presenting my research in a more therapeutic session. I want to present more intentional goals that present multiple routes of exploration for the individual rather than follow a systematic guideline that goes from A to B without thought. My end goal as a future educator is to promote positive behavioral changes, achieve personal growth and self-affection, and to integrate empathy and mindfulness in one’s soul.

What experience at SDSU has changed your life the most?

There are so many opportunities I can’t just pick one. I would say being in three shows back-to-back with my closet and talented friend Hailey Simpson. Performing in a play completely in French, for the French Department. Meeting all of my favorite professors like Katie Turner, Jesca Prudencio, Peter Cirino, Holly Ransom, etc. Most importantly, sharing so many laughs, smiles, and memories with all of my amazing friends that I met at SDSU.

The content within this article has been edited by Lizbeth Persons.