PSFA Student Q&A: Timia Drew

September 27, 2021

Timia Drew
Timia Drew

1. How has your perspective on in-person learning changed since the pandemic began?

My perspective on in-person learning has changed a lot since the beginning of the pandemic. Before the pandemic, I took for granted how easily I could go to class and focus on learning in an environment that was made for students, as well as having the ability to collaborate on group assignments with others easily. I am now a lot more appreciative of being able to be in classes and see my professors and classmates face-to-face. The energy of being back on campus is amazing!

2. What did online learning teach you about your learning style and time management?

Online learning has taught me that while I prefer learning in person more, by far. I can also handle having the responsibility of being more independent with my work. To stay on top of my time management skills, I learned that it is important for me to have due dates written down where I can see them each day.

3. What is your favorite part about being on campus for classes?

My favorite part of being back on campus is being able to have genuine, personable connections with those that I talk to, whether that be with professors or other students.

4. What has been the biggest challenge or adjustment you have experienced this Fall?

The biggest adjustment that I have encountered since being back on campus is living off campus for the first time! I have now had to learn to give myself enough time to get to campus so that I can park and still make it to class on time.

5. How are you setting yourself up for success this school year? What resources or techniques are you using?

This year I am using Google Calendar to help me stay organized and remember what work I need to get accomplished by certain days. Google Calendar also helps me when managing student organization meetings, events, and any other outside appointments that I may have.

6. What are the perks of your school schedule?

This semester I only have classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays, so it is nice to have the other days of the week to balance work, assignments, and a social life.

7. What is your favorite place on campus?

My favorite place on campus is the fourth floor in Adams Humanities because it is where the Hospitality and Tourism Management office and couches are! I love going there to hang out with other HTM/RTM students and faculty and having the opportunity to network with recruiters when they come to visit.

8. Do you have any faculty you would like to shout out for going above and beyond to make your online or in-person experience especially valuable?

I would like to shout out Mark Testa because I have taken his classes both online and in-person, and he has gone above and beyond to show that he is always there for his students through whatever we need. It is clear that he cares a lot about this student’s success, so shout out to you Professor Testa, you’re awesome!

The content within this article has been edited by Lizbeth Persons.