PSFA Student Q&A: Katya Azzam

September 17, 2021
Katya Azzam
Katya Azzam

1. How has your perspective on in-person learning changed since the pandemic began? 

My perspective of in-person learning has changed since the start of the pandemic in a myriad of ways. The most significant change, however, is that I have been able to acknowledge the privilege that education is and accept every opportunity that came my way.

2. What did online learning teach you about your learning style and time management?

Online learning taught me that I learn best from engagement with my peers. Whether that be by a discussion question in a breakout room or a heated debate in class. As for time management, I think online learning negatively impacted these skills for me because I no longer had to calculate the logistics of coming to campus, such as a commute or time to get fully dressed.

3. What is your favorite part about being on campus for classes?

I am a transfer student and this is my last year at SDSU, but this is my first year on campus. I love getting the opportunity to engage in university culture and explore the campus!

4. What has been the biggest challenge or adjustment you have experienced this Fall?

I think that my biggest challenge has been readjusting to having a commute.

5. How are you setting yourself up for success this school year? What resources or techniques are you using?

I am setting myself up for success by saying yes to opportunities that come my way and utilizing the resources that SDSU has available for us. I am a part of the Research Apprenticeship Program (RAP) that allows for research experience and mentorship from faculty. This guidance has helped a lot in organizing myself and getting prepared for grad school applications.

6. What are the perks of your school schedule?

A big perk of my school schedule is that I am done with class by noon every day. It allows time for extracurricular activities and for me to stay on top of homework!

7. What is your favorite place on campus?

Considering this is my first semester on campus, I don’t have a favorite spot yet! I love the turtle pond though.

8. Do you have any faculty you would like to shout out for going above and beyond to make your online or in-person experience especially valuable?

Yes, I do! I would first love to thank Dr. Savage and Dr. Record for directing my passion for Communication Studies. From online to in-person, they truly are major contributors to my academic success. Secondly, I would like to express immense gratitude for Dr. Canary. She truly has the students’ best interest in mind in her decision-making. Her approach to equity in the School of Communication is admirable.

The content within this article has been edited by Lizbeth Persons.