PSFA Student Q&A: Jody Dang

September 27, 2021

Jody Dang
Jody Dang

1. How has your perspective on in-person learning changed since the pandemic began?

I have definitely gained appreciation for in-person learning since the pandemic because I am able to interact with my professor as well as my peers. It was something I took advantage of during my first year of college. However, I feel really grateful to be able to attend classes in person again.


2. What did online learning teach you about your learning style and time management?

Online learning taught me that I can get distracted, especially with my cats running around the house. I learned to adapt by keeping a detailed planner with all my due dates so I never miss a deadline.


3. What is your favorite part about being on campus for classes?

My favorite part about being on campus for classes is being able to meet new people and hang out with my friends again!


4. What has been the biggest challenge or adjustment you have experienced this Fall?

The biggest challenge I have experienced this fall is learning how to balance my work, academics, and social life. Sometimes it can be overwhelming trying to juggle everything at once, but it encourages me to stay organized so that I can follow through with my priorities.


5. How are you setting yourself up for success this school year? What resources or techniques are you using?

This is my last year at SDSU which is surreal. I’m hoping to end strong by attending group study sessions with my club, Criminal Justice Student Association (CJSA) every week at the library!


6. What are the perks of your school schedule?

The perks of my school schedule is that I have more classes in the evening, so I can spend the day with my friends and family or working on assignments.


7. What is your favorite place on campus?

My favorite place on campus is the turtle and koi fish pond. I can sit there for hours and admire how cute they are!


8. Do you have any faculty you would like to shout out for going above and beyond to make your online or in-person experience especially valuable?

I would like to give a shout out to Professor Bowman for making evening class on Tuesdays fly by and he never fails to make us all laugh. I never leave his class without learning something new.

The content within this article has been edited by Lizbeth Persons.