PSFA Motivation: Launch your Successful Semester Q+A (Keila Cummings)

As SDSU enters its third semester dictated by the pandemic, students’ struggle to stay motivated to learn is thematic. The College of Professional Studies and Fine Arts asked students from its schools for motivational ideas to launch a successful semester. Check out their insights throughout the month. Featured below is Keila Cummings (School of Communication).
Q1: What gets you through the day?
“Lately I’ve made lots of little exciting goals I want to accomplish in the near future, so just remembering them every day and keeping them in the back of my head gets me through! Even if I don’t do something huge every day, just thinking about reaching them gives me so much hope and excitement to keep going!”
Q2: If you had a motivational toolkit, what would be your favorite tool?
“High vibrational music! Everyone who knows me knows I love my music, and I’ve recently found so many high vibrational, upbeat Spotify playlists that lift my spirits. I listen to music right when I wake up while I’m reading or getting ready, and it always sets the mood for a really positive day for me. And even better than just music for me would be listening to music while running. It really helps my mind wander, so I get most inspired and motivated while running for sure.”
Q3: What are you grateful for?
“I’m so extremely grateful for everything and everyone in my life right now and all of the little things. Before, I was upset about having to stay home during COVID, letting go of certain people, and my inner struggles, but with these came so many gifts. I’m so grateful to be healthy and home with my family and to have learned that the people who are in my life right now are in it for a reason, and I’m also so proud of myself for all of the growing I’ve done.”
Q4: What piece of advice is your go-to?
“Whether you’re experiencing a period of mental block, or feel that everything is just going wrong or even just running late somewhere, know that there is a reason for it in the bigger picture and everything will turn out exactly the way it is meant to be. ‘Not all storms come to disrupt your life, some come to clear your path.”’
Q5: How do you stay mentally healthy?
“Sometimes when I feel that I’m getting a little overwhelmed or I’m on my phone too much, I’ll delete my social media apps for a bit to calm my mind and challenge myself to find other things to do instead (like draw or read). And something my dad always used to tell me when I had anxiety freshman year of college was to go outside and get some fresh air, so running is like therapy for me!”
Q6: How do you stay resilient?
“I think just the fact that I am the only one that can keep me moving upward keeps me resilient. I know when I need to chill out or allow myself to deal with certain things, but I also know when it’s time to get moving and propel myself forward.”
The content within this article has been edited by Lizbeth Persons.