PSFA Announces Dr. Kurt Lindemann as Associate Dean

March 4, 2021
Kurt Lindemann
Kurt Lindemann

Dr. Peggy Shannon, Dean of the SDSU College of Professional Studies and Fine Arts (PSFA) announced March 3, 2021, the full-time appointment of Dr. Kurt Lindemann as PSFA’s new Associate Dean.

Dr. Lindemann arrived at SDSU in 2006 as an Assistant Professor in the School of Communication. He served that school in various leadership roles, including Basic Course Director and Director of Graduate Studies, and earned the rank of Professor in 2017 before joining the PSFA Dean’s Office in 2019 as Acting and then Interim Associate Dean.

Lindemann is a former Director of SDSU’s Center for the Study of Media and Performance, and recently collaborated with faculty and students university-wide in directing an interactive performance troupe focused on bystander intervention education. His award-winning scholarly and creative work primarily examines communicative performances of identity in organizational and mediated contexts.

Most recently, his research has focused on narratives of grief, trauma, and healing. His scholarly and creative work has been published in numerous journals, books, and popular press magazines, and he has adapted and performed his research in numerous venues across the country.

When announcing the appointment, Dean Shannon thanked the PSFA Associate Dean Search Committee members “for their service throughout the search process: CoS Associate Dean Cathie Atkins, PSFA Assistant Dean Lanie Lockwood, TTF School Director Dr. ‘Niyi Coker, Senior Director of Enrollment in Enrollment Services Sandra Temores, and PSFA Resource Manager Clarence Singh.”

The content within this article has been edited by Lizbeth Persons.