Outstanding Graduate: Corey Sizemore, School of Military Science

May 17, 2021
Sizemore is the Outstanding Graduate for the Navy ROTC San Diego State University
Corey Sizemore

Naval Science graduate Corey Sizemore is working towards his career goal of commissioning in the U.S. Navy and serving in the Nuclear Power Program. Following graduation, Sizemore will be heading to South Carolina to attend Naval Nuclear Power School where he will board his first submarine and lead a division of sailors.

Sizemore says his time spent in the Naval Science program has significantly contributed to his career goals.

“My experience in the Naval Science minor has had a significant impact on my knowledge of how a leader should act, and has allowed me to greatly improve my own leadership abilities. Although I know I have much to learn, I know this program has helped shape me into a much stronger leader,” Sizemore says.

Sizemore received the NROTC Scholarship his senior year of high school which has helped him achieve a college education and post-graduation job.

“After going through college and four years of NROTC training I can say that the benefits are unmeasurable. I have learned so much throughout my time as a college student and as a Midshipman, and will always be thankful for the opportunity given to me.”

Sizemore’s roles as a Midshipman in NROTC San Diego and involvement with the “summer cruises,” or summer training programs, has also contributed to his overall college experience.

“Within these summer cruises I was able to board a U.S. Navy submarine and go underway with the crew. I was paired up with a crew-member who showed me the ins and outs of what being an enlisted sailor on board a submarine was like. From this experience I saw firsthand what these men and women go through, and hope to be better suited to lead them when I get to my first submarine.”

Sizemore hopes the 2021 graduating class is able to achieve everything they set out for after college and are able to apply the skills learned from the College of PSFA and SDSU.

“I couldn’t have come this far without the support of my family and friends, and am forever grateful for their support. I would also like to thank the College of Professional Studies and Fine Arts for this honor.”

The content within this article has been edited by Lizbeth Persons.