Meet School of Public Affairs Peer Adviser Hayley Brown

September 16, 2021
Hayley Brown
Hayley Brown

Pronouns: she/her/hers

What made you want to pursue a degree in Criminal Justice (CJ)?

I wanted to pursue a degree in Criminal Justice to learn more about the criminal justice system in general, and use it as a stepping stone to go to law school and then pursue criminal law. As I have taken more major specific classes, I have found a passion for criminal justice reform and advocacy. I hope to create a practice of law that challenges the criminal justice system and pushes for the much needed change in the legal status quo.

Why did you decide to serve as a peer adviser?

I feel very fortunate for this opportunity to become a leader in the School of Public Affairs. I want to serve in this position to be a resource for students in this college and give them insight into my personal experience to hopefully help guide theirs. Being in my fourth year, the advisers in the past served as such a great resource for me and I hope to give that experience to students trying to find their path.

What does being a part of the SDSU community mean to you?

Being part of the SDSU community means so much to me and I love this school. It has provided so many opportunities, connections, and friendships that I believe will last a lifetime. I feel so fortunate to be a part of such a well rounded community.

What advice would you give to students in the CJ or the School of Public Affairs (SPA) as they continue their studies and careers?

The advice I would give students in my major is to plan ahead in terms of internships and classes but to also be flexible to changes. I would encourage students in my major to take advantage of all the resources offered by the college including student organizations and advising, and to make connections in your field. These connections will be so valuable after graduation.

What is your favorite place on campus?

My favorite place on campus is definitely the Koi Pond. It is so nice to sit there and relax in between classes.

What do you like to do outside of SDSU?

Outside of work I love to go to concerts and festivals, watch the Dodgers, go to the beach, and to hang out with my friends.

What is one thing that fellow SPA students may not know about you?

Fellow CJ/PA majors may not know that I am starting an internship this semester at the Public Defender’s Office and am so excited to help with the collaborative courts program.

The content within this article has been edited by Lizbeth Persons.