Denitsa Bliznakova receives Alumni Association Award for Outstanding Faculty Contribution

October 5, 2021
Denitsa Bliznakova

Denitsa Bliznakova, professor in the School of Theatre, Television and Film, and head of Costume Design and Technology program, was awarded the 2021 Alumni Association Award for Outstanding Faculty Contribution.

“I am honored to have been awarded the Alumni Association Award for Outstanding Faculty Contributions. I am thankful for the acknowledgement of my work and commitment to the students at our institution,” Bliznakova said. “To be recognized by my peers is a highlight in my academic career that I will cherish with gratitude.”

Bliznakova’s passion and dedication to serving SDSU shines through her teaching, mentorship, and advising. This award in her honor caused her to reflect on why she has served SDSU for 14 years and counting.

“My first reaction to receiving the Faculty Alumni Association award was to thank my colleagues and students who have been along my side on this journey,” Bliznakova said. “I have been able to exchange ideas and collaborate with them over the years and that has made me a better educator. I consider myself lucky to have been able to share my passion for what I do with my students, faculty, and staff at SDSU.”

She was awarded by the recommendation of the Dean of the College of Professional Studies and Fine Arts, Peggy Shannon. Dean Shannon speaks highly of Bliznakova’s work for SDSU. “Denitsa Bliznakova’s exceptional career and work at SDSU have made a lasting impact on the School of Theatre, Television, and Film and its students,” Shannon said. “I’m very pleased that she has been honored with this well-deserved award.”

Bliznakova’s work goes beyond SDSU. She has been a costume designer for more than 50 productions across the nation. Her current projects include a nativity production, “Why the Nativity?” a docudrama to be aired on the History Channel.

Her other works include TRAYF, written by Lindsay Joelle and directed by Maggie Burrows, at the Geffen Playhouse in Los Angeles, and of course, her continued research at SDSU is ongoing. A unique historical collection of thousands of costumes and artifacts that date back to the 1870s is housed in the school of TTF. Blizakova is advising one graduate student and one undergraduate student to help in the preservation, study, and photography of the collection. She hopes with their efforts a digital inventory of the collection can be used as a form of research for costume designers and enjoyed by faculty, staff, students, friends, and the public.

Throughout each of her endeavors, she comes prepared to make an impact. “What makes my work special is that each one of those projects is unique and I collaborate with a different team on each one of them,” Bliznakova said.

“Every project I work on now, I see as a way of giving back to society. I am part of creative teams that help stories come to life. Those stories could educate, move, question, inspire, or give hope.”

Read Bliznakova’s full bio on the school of TTF’s website.

The content within this article has been edited by Lizbeth Persons.