Classes You Didn't Know You Could Take: "Creativity and Communication in the Arts"

June 10, 2021

A Q&A with Heather Sweeney about PSFA 320
Heather Sweeney teaches "Creativity and Communication in the Arts"

Creativity and Communication in the Arts: Investigating the Self Through Experimental Modes

Instructor: Heather Sweeney


How I would describe this class to someone I met in line at the coffee cart:

This class is about identity and creativity. We are going to look at and talk about various artists who use very non-traditional means and materials to express themselves and create art that is really different.

Who should definitely take this class?

Folks who should take this class like to think out of the box and question the mainstream. They appreciate art and also like to read. They are adventurous and have an open mind.

Why I’m enthusiastic about teaching this class:

I am so excited to teach this class because it explores my passion, being various forms of art and art that is not easily categorized.

Why I love this subject:

I love this subject because art and means of expression are constantly evolving. (By art, I do not only mean visual art, FYI). Our means of communication and connecting are constantly transforming as well and I find that fascinating.

How I’m preparing for this class:

Right now I am reading lots of essays about the artists we are going to engage with (which you will also be reading!). I am also watching some videos about the artists and their processes, which I am very much looking forward to sharing.

Three things you’ll learn/do in this class:

1) You will study and investigate ways that artists use their bodies, language/speech, unconventional materials, and ritual to create art.

2) You will learn more about the ways in which you present your own identity in the world.

3) You will dive deep into the world of an artist that you resonate with and share your findings with the class in the form of a project and presentation.

Top five reasons you should study with me:

1) I am genuinely excited to talk about art with you!

2) I enjoy collaboration and class discussion

3) I try to not do the same thing every time we meet

4) I appreciate creativity

5) I am usually in good mood

The content within this article has been edited by Lizbeth Persons.