Stay Clear of Disinformation with Parts Two and Three of Media Literacy Series

The SDSU School of Journalism and Media Studies is hosting a free, media literacy webinar series throughout the month of October. The series, called “Disinfecting Disinformation,” is in partnership with The San Diego Union-Tribune, The Glen M. Broom Center for Professional Development in Public Relations, San Diego and Imperial Counties Public Relations Society of America, San Diego Public Library, inewsource, and the San Diego Association of Black Journalists.
Part two of the series, “How Public Relations Can Push Back Against Dirty Disinformation,” will take place on Tuesday, Oct. 6 at noon. Panelists for this webinar include former DC hill staffer and Communication Director Charles Chamberlayne, and U.S. Navy APR+M, Public Affairs Officer Chloe Morgan, and will be moderated by Barbara Cosio Moreno from San Diego and Imperial Counties PRSA. These public relations professionals will provide tips on how to protect companies from fake news. The entire “Disinfecting Disinformation” series is free and open to the public with registration.
Part three of the series, “Staying Clean and Clear of Disinformation,” will take place on Wednesday, Oct. 7 at 6:30 p.m. and will discuss how disinformation can soil the media environment. Tips on how to spot, stop, and debunk disinformation will also be shared. This webinar will be moderated by Jennifer Bowman from inewsource and will include panelists Lauren J. Mapp from the San Diego Union Tribune, and Ivy Le from the Texas Civil Rights Project.
According to The Institute for Public Relations, 61% of people are concerned about disinformation and only 40% of Americans say they often verify information to be true. The 2020 IPR Disinformation in Society Report further shows how the media environment is affected by misleading and biased information.
These media literacy webinars serve to combat this issue and help citizens stop the spread of malicious disinformation.
Tune in and register for the Oct. 6 webinar here and register for the Oct. 7 webinar here. For a full list of all five webinars and how to register for each, visit the link here.
The content within this article has been edited by Lizbeth Persons.