Brandon Lim Empowers Fellow Students

While at SDSU, Brandon Lim devoted much of his time to serving student organizations. He was involved with the Asian Pacific Student Alliance, Asian American Pacific Islander Coalition, National Society of Collegiate Scholars, Mortar Board National Honor Society, PSFA Civil Core, and PSFA College Council.
Within PSFA Civil Core, Lim served as Vice President of External Affairs from 2016-2017, and as President from 2017-2018. He credits the organization’s values of kindness and compassion as ideals he’s intentionally carried into other spaces he’s occupied at SDSU—values that he hopes will contribute to his legacy and will continue to make a difference.
Lim was a program intern for the (AAPI)phany Workshop Program, where he had the opportunity to facilitate and host workshops related to the Asian American Pacific Islander ethnic identity, mental health, and social justice.
“This program fundamentally changed my college experience for the better because it gave me a sense of direction for a career,” said Lim.
Lim was the recipient of the 2017 Outstanding Scholar Award from the National Society of Collegiate Scholars – an award he received during his second year as recognition for his academic performance and for exemplifying the pillars of leadership and scholarship.
Lim has plans to earn a master’s degree in Student Affairs and/or Psychology, with the goal of becoming a student affairs professional. He would like to continue empowering students in higher education.
“I hope to carry forward that idea of representation in my work by designing programming that highlights media representation, particularly for the Asian American Pacific Islander community,” said Lim.
Lim hopes that his graduating peers recognize and embrace their vulnerabilities as strengths, and encourages future students to focus on human connection.
“Radiate kindness wherever you go, and leave each space better than you left it. Your fellow students, advisors, and professors will thank you.”
The content within this article has been edited by Lizbeth Persons.